Why Sales is The Number One Most Powerful Money Making Skill?

Mina Morgan
3 min readFeb 8, 2019

Sales is a term that has more negative and positive annotations than any other term in the world of business. It is the most talked about and most over-complicated process in business. Yet if mastered, can bring about all the money in the world. In fact, sales is said to be the number one highest paying job in the world. But only if you are good at it.

“Sales is said to be the number one highest paying job in the world. But only if you are good at it.”

To understand why sales is the number one most powerful money making skill we need to first understand the nature of human being’s process for purchasing products and services.

So, why do people buy products or services?

The answer is actually quite simple. And it is that people buy products or services in an attempt to better their future. They do not buy products or services because of the product or service itself. They are buying a better future! Even if the future gets better for only a second after they buy the product or service.

For example. Lets say that the last product you bought was an apple, a product provided by nature but if you live in any modern city you most likely paid for it, and when you bought that apple you didn’t eat it immediately. You thought to yourself “Well, I like apples and when I get a little hungry at 7 pm tonight it would be good to have that apple as a small snack” so you bought it.

So what does buying that apple say about your buying process? It says that you bought that apple based on your perception of a better future. And since the apple will give you a short yet delightful sense of pleasure when you eat it, you paid money accordingly to that value.

So if the apple was any other product or service then we can conclude that what you are willing to pay for a product or service will depend on how much better your future will be and for how long it will stay better after the purchase.

“what you are willing to pay for a product or service will depend on how much better your future will be and for how long it will stay better after the purchase.

Therefore, because people buy products or services to achieve a better future. And because people buying products or services is how money is made in any business, it is safe to say that sales is an area that must be mastered.

But we still haven’t talked about why sales is the number one most powerful money making skill.

The reason sales is the number one most powerful money making skill is that it is a skill that is not only necessary for any form of success in any field, but also because being good at sales yields the highest return on the time you invest to master the skill. And that’s why the best sales people in this world are the ones who decide how much they earn.

The best sales people in this world are the ones who decide how much they earn.

I hope this has been helpful and I hope this has instilled the importance of continuously upgrading your sales skills. We are huge advocates of sales here at Minamorgan.com and we continuous put out sales courses that are updated to the industry standards.

To view these courses and guides, please go here: minamorgan.com



Mina Morgan

Hi, I am Mena. A few years ago I was earning a less than average income, working long hours while feeling hopeless so I changed and founded a a 7-figure company